The idea of the Learners Meetup is to have a monthly slot where we can rock up and
- hear talks which are on a level we can understand
- connect with other people learning tech to share knowledge, help and motivate each other
Learners of all levels are welcome, especially absolute beginners. As a beginner you get access to people who may be able to help you, and as a more experienced programmer you can share your expertise and train your mentoring skills by being a coach.
The new format we will try:
- Welcome and introduction to coaches - what can you help someone with?
- 15 minute scheduled talk - the talks are aimed so that everyone can get something out of it, no matter what their level of experience or programming language.
- A “mini barcamp” - anyone can propose a topic they want to discuss or get help with and we organise ourselves into discussion groups or pairs. At the end we get together as a group and summarised what we discussed.
This meetup’s scheduled talk will be:
Testing, testing 123… with Benjamin Kampmann
How do developers test their code? What is a unit test? What other kinds of tests are there? What is test driven development?
Signup for the meetup here
If you have an idea for a talk you’d like to hear or give, please submit an issue to our github repository