Dear handy people,
OpenTechSchool has held many good coding workshops but not so many hardware-related ones. We would like to change that by starting with a very simple and beginner-friendly workshop about opening (mostly mobile) hardware: laptops, mobile phones, etc.
To make this workshop fun for everyone, we would like to avoid swanking, boasting about one’s knowledge/ability, and mansplaining. In other words, the atmosphere of a macho DIY-bicycle-repair shop. I expect the participants will need some help and would love to serve as many as comfortably possible, which is why we’re looking for more coaches. If you are patient, respectful toward beginners, and want to help us help others, you are more than welcome to do so. You do not need to know everything about hardware, but should have some experience in opening it. To give you an idea about the class, read this future blogpost targeted at the participants.
Please join the mailinglist, if you are interested, we’ll take any communication from there.