Call for coaches: Math 3D

Benjamin Kampmann · 27 September 2012

Animations and visualisations are nice look at, but not that easy to produce, epecially when you are missing the math background. That’s why OpenTechSchool would love to host a workshop about math in visualisation and 3D. In order to do that, we need help!

If you have knowledge in math and/or visualisation and you’d like to share with learners interested in this topic, or if you just feel confident enough to coach one or more math or visualisation libraries out there, please sign up to our Math-3d coaches mailinglist below. Thank you!

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About the Author

Benjamin Kampmann

is freelance Software Developer and Product Creator. Aside from helping with the organisation of workshops and events, he is part of the strategic team and author of many of the blueprints.

ben at OpenTechSchool dot org
